Welcome to Mirth and Menace!

"Writing for me isn’t just about stringing words together; it's a full-blown therapy session. Who needs a couch when you've got a pen?"

Welcome to "Mirth and Menace," where you can dive deep into my world of poetry and short stories at no cost. My creative explorations are boundless, and I'm thrilled to share them with you without any fees.

It's here that whimsy intertwines with the eerie, and even the darkest dreams find a voice.

How to support "Mirth and Menace"

  1. SUBSCRIBE — For my subscribers, every new post is sent directly to your email inbox. As an alternative, and a spam-free, ad-free reading experience, plus audio and community features, get the Substack app.

  2. ENGAGE — Help grow our community by offering your feedback or praise in the comments.

  3. SHARE — Spread the enchantment! Share your favorite poems and short stories from "Mirth and Menace" with friends and followers, and invite them to join our adventure into the extraordinary.

These simple and free gestures of support are what I hope for from my readers. Though I may offer ebooks and paperbacks, the lifeblood of 'Mirth and Menace' lies in your subscription, engagement, and willingness to share.

Your active participation is the greatest affirmation that the world I’ve created is a tale worth continuing. Every interaction assures me that the stories and poetry that dwell within these pages resonate with you and merit their place in the world.

Peek beyond the veil of "Mirth and Menace" and you'll find me, Eric Montgomery, the architect of this realm where reality bends and words weave new worlds. Think of me not as a distant author, but as a fellow traveler on this journey of exploration and expression. My writing serves as a conduit for the whirlwind of thoughts and fantasies that reside within, offering a therapeutic escape not just for myself, but, I hope, for you as well.

With a heart anchored in the realms of the whimsical and the eerie, and a spirit that finds solace in the rhythm of prose and poetry, I craft each piece with the intent to touch, terrify, and tantalize. "Mirth and Menace" is more than a blog; it's a piece of my soul laid bare, inviting you to delve into the depths of imagination alongside me.

For those curious to explore further, my digital footprint extends beyond this blog. Discover more about my journey, other projects, and ways to connect at my links page: https://links.mrericmontgomery.com/.

Here, you'll find gateways to the various corners of my online universe, each offering a different facet of my creative endeavors.

So, as you wander through this landscape of light and shadow, know that you're not just traversing a collection of tales and poems, but you're also journeying through the inner workings of a mind enamored with the power of storytelling.

Welcome to "Mirth and Menace." Your journey begins now.

Cover Art

In 'Mirth and Menace,' words craft worlds and tales transcend mere text, with cover art becoming a visual echo of the narrative within. Some vistas are birthed from the mystical realm of AI, where digital alchemy fuses with human creativity to bring the imagined into view. Here, my poetry & stories find their reflection in the canvas of computation, each image a testament to the dance of the quill with the quantum.

At times, it is through my own lens that these worlds gain their faces, with photography capturing the raw and resonant beauty of the world we inhabit. And then there are moments when the artistry of fellow creators touches these pages, as images granted by kindred spirits blend seamlessly with my penned universes.

Now, the rich tapestry of 'Mirth and Menace' expands further through the integration of striking images sourced from Unsplash. This vibrant community of photographers offers a wellspring of visuals that resonate with the spirit of my writings, providing a new dimension to the reader's experience.

Whether conjured by AI, framed by my camera, shared by generous souls, or discovered amidst the treasures of Unsplash, each piece of art is a doorway. They invite you, the reader, to cross the threshold and lose yourself in the stories and poems that pulse with life beyond the portal.

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Subscribe to Mirth and Menace

Mirth and Menace features poetry and short stories that heal and haunt. Turning the pen into a portal beyond the ordinary. To receive new posts directly to your inbox, subscribe today!


I write poetry and short stories, many of which are horror-themed. I have 3 books published so far, hopefully many more to come. :)